If your handbag needs repairing due to wear and tear, Flagship offers to repair it free of charge within 12 months of delivery. Shipping will be for your account.

Leather is a wonderful natural material and Flagship only uses leather of the highest quality. There are different tanning techniques used and finishes applied to the leathers we use and  caring for these different leathers requires different approaches.
There are however some standard practices to follow:

– Store your leather bag away from direct sunlight in the porous dust bag provided, in an upright position.
– If storing for a while, stuff your bag so it will keep its shape.
– Avoid prolonged contact between light and dark colours as colour migration is possible depending on the type of leather.
– Condition leather approximately 3 times a year with a leather conditioner (suitable to the type of leather)
– Most leathers can be best cleaned with a damp cloth. Oil or grease marks on some leathers are more difficult to deal with.

For further details or specific advice contact us: