Authentic, unique, discreetly luxurious, the hallmarks of our custom made leather handbags.

 Custom made is your best and available option for:

  • superior quality
  • greater selection
  • better value
  • and the perfect fit for your lifestyle and signature look

  Your handbag will be created specifically to meet your personal needs and chosen measurements.

It need not be a “one size fits all” item.

Our use of top grade Italian leather and fittings is the final guarantee you will love owning such a personalized accessory for many years to come.


Authentic, unique, discreetly luxurious, the hallmarks of our custom made leather handbags.  

 Custom made is your best and available option for superior quality, greater selection, better value, and the perfect fit for your lifestyle and signature look.

Your handbag will be created specifically to meet your personal needs and chosen measurements.  It need not be a “one size fits all” item.

Our use of top grade Italian leather and fittings is the final guarantee you will love owning such a personalized accessory for many years to come.



For additional styles see Portfolio

Small crossbody bags in portrait or landscape aspect

Wild Coast

Leather half moon shaped handbag with top handle


Compact hobo bag in blue leather


Gold leather tote bag


Small cross body bag with drawstring pouch

Klein Karoo

Soft leather tote or hobo bag


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